Best wishes by Polish students from the school in Wesola, for students from the school in Cazale.
On the occasion of Easter, students from the school SP 175 from Wesola / district of Warsaw / sent their peers from the school in... click >
On the occasion of Easter, students from the school SP 175 from Wesola / district of Warsaw / sent their peers from the school in... click >
Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz ARZYBISKUP METROPOLITA WARSZAWSKIthe capital of Poland, reminds that Easter is the center of... click >
Kamil SNOOPY Szybinski Pole and American as a junior champion, he was at the forefront of Polish scaters among seniors. He... click >
Let the forgiveness and healing peace of the Risen Lord Jesus reign this Easter! May we be filled with joy and hope. Merry... click >