- Dear Friends
- May your heart be full of gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Hope it brings the greatest feelings of recovery and joy.
- Children tv CazaleTVPologne
- You Tube channel; cazale99
- A report from the celebration of Easter Saturday in Cazale, Haiti, tomorrow on YouTube on the channel; cazale99
video number 212
Tekst polski ponizej.
Our adventure in Haiti began in 2014. We stopped traveling around the world and our goal was to help Haitian children. We come several times a year, as I once counted for the last 8 years I have lived here for over 2 years. The initiator of our activity, such as It turned out now was our son, a Pole and an American, Kamil Snoopy Szybinski. During one of the family’s many trips around the world across 7 continents, he said.
Or maybe we will visit Haiti next time? He is definitely the patron of our activities. Unfortunately, he did not live to see our visit to Haiti. He died on September 17, 2002, while studying in the USA, in unexplained circumstances at Rancho Palos Verdes near Los Angeles. Part of his memory. http://www.kamil.LT/ Our work in creating a child CazaleTVPologne did not make the television such results if not for the help of wonderful people from Haiti like; Franz Jaboin, Louis Francky, Joel Lorquet, Father Pascal, Casey Zachary, Licia Zachary, David Leslie, Tadeusz Antoniak, Aleksander Jablonski, Maciej Jablonski, Jerzy Wilczynski, priest Krzysztof Malachowski, Czeslaw Mogilinski, Slawek Maczynski, Grzegorz Iwaniczko, Mito Joseph Desruisseaux, Andlene Garson, Michelet Altime, Rogers Altime and many others. And they are people not only from Haiti, but also from Canada, USA, Germany and Poland. There would be no room to mention all of them. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. We would also like to thank organizations in Haiti, such as: OADHA led by Franz Jaboin from Port au Prinze, VBC from Deschapeles from Louis Francky, FOLONHA- Fondation Lorquet Pour Une Nouvelle Haiti and for helping to create our projects for Haiti and especially for children. It is written in the Gospel that the last will be the first. And therefore we cannot fail to mention the enormous support given to us by Matius Roobens DeRismonde, who took us to his Repairer of the Breaches School of Cazale, where we hope we will jointly implement and develop the project CazaleTVPologne for children, as well as carrying out other projects for the residents of Cazale. One cannot fail to mention the great forbearance of our Szybinski Family, because it cannot be concealed that it sometimes interfered with our family responsibilities. Without distinguishing anyone, however, I would like to mention the enormous help provided by my sister Teresa. I honestly do not know how we managed to achieve so much. We do not represent any organization, be it governmental or non-governmental. We finance our activities from our own modest resources and we use the help of our Friends. We are currently organizing cooperation in the creation of programs for our CazaleTVPologne from Cazale, with the primary school No. 175 for them. Helena Marusarzówny from Wesola, which is a district of Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
/ more at https://www.polognehaiti.pl/
We invite you to cooperation
Christopher & Elizabeth Mission
e-mail; cazale99@gmail.com
phone + WhatsApp; +509 4850 5340
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dziecieca tv CazaleTVPologne
Reportaz z uroczystosci Wielkiej Soboty w Cazale na Haiti, juz jutro na You Tube na kanale; cazale99
video numer 212
Reportaz z uroczystosci Wielkiej Soboty w Cazale na Haiti, juz jutro na You Tube na kanale; cazale99
video numer 212
Nasza przygoda na Haiti rozpoczela sie w roku 2014..Przyjezdzamy to kilka razy w roku, a jak kiedys policzylismy przez te 8 ostatnich lat przemieszkalem tutaj juz ponad 2 lata.Inicjatorem naszej dzialanosci, jak sie teraz okazalo byl, nasz syn Polak i Amerykanin, Kamil Snoopy Szybinski.Podczas jednej z wielokrotnych rodzinnych podrozy po swiecie przez 7 kontynentow, powiedzial. A moze nastepnym razem odwiedzimy Haiti ? Jest napewno patronem naszych dzialan. Niestety nie doczekal naszej wizyty na Haiti.Zginal 17 wrzesnia 2002 roku, podczas studiow w USA,w dotychczas niewyjasnionych okolicznosciach w Rancho Palos Verdes kolo Los Angeles.Czesc Jego pamieci. http://kamil.LT Nasza praca przy tworzeniu dzieciecej telewizji CazaleTVPologne nie dalaby takich rezultatow, gdyby nie pomoc wspanialych ludzi z Haiti, USA,Polski , Kanady i Niemiec Franz Jaboin ,Louis Francky, Joel Lorquet, Father Pascal, Casey Zachary, Licia Zachary, David Leslie, Tadeusz Antoniak, Aleksander Jablonski, Maciej Jablonski, Jerzy Wilczynski, ksiadz Krzysztof Malachowski,Czeslaw Mogilinski, Slawek Maczynski, Grzegorz Iwaniczko, Mito Joseph Desruisseaux, Andlene Garson, Michelet Altime, Rogers Altime i wielu wielu innych
W Ewangelii jest napisane ze ostatni beda pierwszymi. I dlatego nie mozemy nie wspomniec o ogromnym wsparciu udzielonym nam przez Matius Roobens DeRismonde, ktory przygarnal nas do swojej szkoly Repairer of the Breaches School of Cazale, gdzie mamy nadzieje bedziemy wspolnie realizowac i rozwijac projekt dzieciecej telewizji CazaleTVPologne, a takze realizowac inne projekty dla mieszkancow Cazale.Przyznam szczerze nie wiemy jak nam sie udalo tyle osiagnac. My nie reprezentujemy zadnej organizacji czy to rzadowej czy pozarzadowej. Nasze dzialania finansujemy z wlasnych skromnych srodkow oraz korzystamy z pomocy naszych Przyjaciol. Aktualnie organizujemy wspolprace przy tworzeniu programow naszej CazaleTVPologne z Cazale, ze szkola podstawowa nr 175 im. Heleny Marusarzówny z Wesolej, ktora jest dzielnica Warszawy, stolicy Polski.
Wiecej szczegolow w wersji angielskiej
/ more at https://www.polognehaiti.pl/
We invite you to cooperation
Christopher & Elizabeth Mission
e-mail; cazale99@gmail.com
phone + WhatsApp; +509 4850 5340